A provider talking to a patient
MA REpay program

Behavioral Health & Primary Care Student Loan Repayment Program

A student loan repayment program for behavioral health, primary care, and substance use disorder treatment professionals who work in eligible settings in Massachusetts. This program contains three separate initiatives, each of which has different eligible roles and settings.

1. Behavioral Health and Primary Care Initiative
Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Initiative
Substance Use Treatment Provider Initiative

To learn more about the requirements for each initiative, please refer to the Common Questions and Program Overview resources below.  

Applications for this program closed in January 2023.

Program Details

Each participant in the Behavioral Health & Primary Care Student Loan Repayment Program was awarded through one of the three initiatives listed below. If you are unsure of which initiative you were awarded under, please refer to your contract.

Behavioral Health and Primary Care Initiative

Who’s eligible?
Behavioral health and primary care providers working in community health centers, community mental health centers, psychiatric units in acute care hospitals, and inpatient psychiatric hospitals.

View Eligible Roles

View Eligible Settings

Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Initiative

Who's eligible?
Child and adolescent psychiatrists working in community health centers or community mental health centers.

View Eligible Roles

View Eligible Settings

Substance Use Treatment Provider Initiative

Who's eligible?
Substance use treatment professionals that are NOT working in community health centers, community mental health centers, psychiatric units in acute care hospitals, and inpatient psychiatric hospitals.

View Eligible Roles

View Eligible Settings